Call for Late Posters – Now Closed

Late Poster Submission Key Dates:

  • Call for Late Posters Closed: Friday, 19th July
  • Notification of Authors: Wednesday, 25th July

Abstracts may be submitted under the 8 conference themes:

• Comparative Immunology, Immunogenetics and Genomics
• Future Animal and One Health
• Grand challenges in Animal Health
• Immune models and emerging technologies
• Infection and Immunity
• Mucosal Immunology and Vaccination
• Reproductive Immunity
• Veterinary Immunology Communication and Teaching

Summary of Minimum Requirements

Title: 25 words maximum.
Abstract: 250 words maximum.
Conference theme and subtheme: Please select from the 8 conference themes listed.
Authors/co-authors and presenting author: Please identify appropriately – there must be one presenting author.
Presentation format: Poster presentation – see FAQs below for more information.
Also required: Up to three keywords.

Frequently Asked Questions

Important Information

  • Abstracts are submitted via an online submission system. Register with the abstract submission website and establish your username and password.
  • You should use the same title submitted with your abstract.
  • You should materially confine your presentation to information you provided in the submitted abstract. However any results that have become available since submission of the abstract should be included.
  • Each poster must be in portrait format.
  • Each poster must be printed (at the cost of the author) and SHOULD NOT BE BIGGER than the following size: Height/tall= 1189mm, Width=841mm (A0 Portrait).
  • Any poster printed in landscape or larger than the provided board for display may not be displayed at the congress.
  • If you are submitting more than one abstract you must use the same login for each abstract.
  • All abstracts must be written in English.
  • The maximum length of an abstract is 250 words. Please ensure that your findings are described to a level sufficient for reviewers to make an informed decision on quality. Abstracts that fail to meet these criteria will be rejected.
  • Do not include author names in the title or body of your abstract – these are entered online during the submission process.
  • Abstracts should not contain references.
  • Abstracts will be reviewed for the level of innovation/contribution to the field and the general standard of academic writing of the abstract.
  • All correspondence will be with the submitting author only. This author is responsible for disseminating information related to the co-authors.
  • Please note that the presenting author must register in full to attend and present the abstract at the conference.
  • The deadline for submissions is Friday 19th July 2024.

Abstracts may be submitted to the following conference themes:

• Comparative Immunology, Immunogenetics and Genomics
• Future Animal and One Health
• Grand challenges in Animal Health
• Immune models and emerging technologies
• Infection and Immunity
• Mucosal Immunology and Vaccination
• Reproductive Immunity
• Veterinary Immunology Communication and Teaching

Submitting an abstract is a 3-step process. We strongly recommend that you complete your submission at one time.

Step 1: Register on the system

  • We are using a dedicated website for abstract submission and you must first register on the system. The submission website is accessible by username and password. Please note that you will need to create your own username and password to access the system.
  • You only need to register once – each subsequent time that you visit this page, you will log in with your e-mail and chosen password.

Step 2: Submit your abstract

  • Once you have registered and created your profile, you must log in to the dedicated submission webpage, when you have prepared your abstract – enter your email address and the password you chose when you registered.
  • Submitting an abstract requires that you complete a questionnaire for each abstract. Some questions are mandatory (marked with an asterisk) and you will not be able to complete your submission until these questions have been answered. You will be required to provide the theme to which you are submitting your abstract, the names and affiliations of all authors and confirmation that all authors have approved the submission. You will also be able to indicate if you wish your abstract to be considered for oral presentation or other formats – please see the  FAQ’s for further details.
  • It is strongly recommended that you complete your submission once started. However, if you decide to start your submission for completion at a later point, you must ensure to “Submit” your incomplete abstract. It will then be available for you to finish at a later stage. Failure to “Submit” your incomplete abstract will result in it being lost and you will have to start again.
  • Mandatory questions are marked with an asterisk (*) and must be answered. Your submission will not be complete if a mandatory question is left unanswered. Incomplete submissions will not go for review.
  • If you exceed the word count for either the title or abstract, your submission will be marked as incomplete in our system. Incomplete submissions will not go for review.

Step 3: Confirmation e-mail
You will receive an e-mail confirming that your submission has been received. The subject of the mail will indicate if your submission is complete or incomplete. An incomplete submission may have an answer that is unfinished or you may have exceeded the word limit for the abstract. Incomplete submissions will not go for review. You must log back into the submission system, click on the title of the abstract and complete it. Once complete you will receive the confirmation e-mail.

If you wish to make another submission, please click on New Submission and a new blank submission form will open.

It is not possible to amend a Late Poster abstract once it has been submitted.

If you have any queries about the submission process or you want to withdraw an abstract, please contact the congress administrator at

Review the Frequently Asked Questions – Click here